MissRoshni's OFFICIAL Podcast | LAUNCHED!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Today is my first day of Writing in a blog, and The Music Industry is Dying...we all know that due to economic reasons its dying... Urban Desi Scene needs to create some hype and some awarness.....so lets..! Today is December 1st,2008 and a early start in what I call a Brand new way of Marketing Urban Music. As many of you guys know I am a strong beliver of Urban Music. We all enjoy music, we all enjoy singing, but sometimes politics gets in theway. Working in the Urban Scene, I think its time that artist should not judge things in a political way. If you want to become a singer then write and sing for fans not for politics. The world is ugly. Politics is super ugly.So sing and have fun write and enjoy life......don't do it because you want to show people your the best. Sing and write music because its a passion. I have a major passion for Marketing, I enjoy it and i do my best at it. We all hate politics, so lets just all get along :)

The hottest stuff on the market is Urban/Bollywood.....we enjoy it we love it, listenrs carry their ipod everywhere from trains to planes....from cars to buses....so here are the hot topics of the urban scene for this week!!!
This video is the Offical Exclusive Raghav Video"Humrahee" -my opinion on this song is hot , steamy, and romantic. Black and white is the new thing, will never die....raghav has done a great job 10/10

More to come each day i will talk about a new artist....a new comer...new urban and fresh music!!!!

Signing off Miss Roshni