Miss Roshni here..weekend is over and i have alot to say...well first of my face book wasn't working so Facebook is under investigation lol on my old profile had to start a new one so make sure you guys add me!!
Second Been hearing tons of news over the past few days on whats been popping in the scene.....and tons of it is happening!
Also on the site is a embedded Radio Player that you may use on your Myspace page!!!
The Bilz Radio Player ;)

One Voice....can def make a difference guys!!! So tell your friends, family, and people back home...Lets get together and make India and Pakistan Unite!
Akon - The Reason (Snippet) Ft. Bobby Moon

And for all you guys who's looking for a hot spot for NYE in New York City who want to see the Ball Drop from NYC....hit up the hottest happening New Year even Party at Kush Lounge Hosted by Jay Gatzby and DJ KUNAL and UK's Finest DJ Kayper spinning the turntables 2080's all night from 9pm-6pm below is a flyer for more contact details http://www.ohhhwhat.com/ or ohwhatparty@gmail.com 312-259-4554, 512-797-6047

Are you guys in Chicago well guys check this out..
Hindi Film. Fusion. The debate ignites with Chicago Agni 2009!
Agni 2009 lights up again as 10 teams strive to show off their passion on stage and be crowned the winner of the first Midwest dance-off, pitting Hindi Film Dance against Fusion. As a wild-card competition of Best of the Best (BOB) Federation, Agni will surely bridge the gap between Hindi Film Dance and Fusion in showcasing the best talent from across the nation!
Teams from across the nation will exhibit three commanding characteristics:
Poise: composure; a dignified, self-confident manner or bearing
Passion: a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything
Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
We invite each and every one of you to join us as we experience history in the making and ask you to allow Chicago Agni to Ignite the Passion Within.
For more information regarding the competition please email: ChicagoAgni@gmail.com

Chicago Agni 2009 Registration is now open!
So we got events, collaborations and a Making a difference in India and Pakistan News...Check out for some exclusive tracks maybe even for free tomorrow on my Blog
Signing off
Miss Roshni
hot stuff miss roshni
see this is better than Desi Hits....shes writing about everything...what say miss roshni are you going to be starting your show soon?!
New York
wow the Bilz are doing that track i heard it its pretty hot
I already have the player i kinda like it!
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