Whats hot on Miss Roshnis List!?
Well right now as I'm Blogging I'm Jammin to a hot playlist in my ipod of Ash King, Raghav, Sona Family, Thara and Some Bilz and Kashif!!!
Yea so The Bilz and Kashif just came back from tour but not only did they go to Mumbai to hit some collabos...they hit Dubai check out their videos as they toured Mumbai and Dubai....Turn the Music up guys! :-)
One new artist on the Big Buzz is someone named "Navin Kundra" hes a great artist out in the UK..managed by Raghavs old Managment ....in my opinion the guys got mad talent and awesome voice.......young, talented, and his trailer is out for his upcoming Single " Love Thing" with a twist of some Bhangra....for all you Bale Bale lovers!
Check it out Love Thing Trailer...check the blog back for updates!

From all the Hott Buzz that I been hearing about Jay Sean...he hits Miami this month and you will only get this exclusively On The "Miss Roshni" Blog - Working on his US album with Cash Money Records..Jay Sean Hit Moscow this week Headlining with Russian MTV AWA RDS!

Whats next on Jay Seans List......? Check out the Blog as I update it daily on his whereabouts!
This is All for now guys but check back in daily for more cool updates on Whats happening in the Urban Desi Scene..
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-Miss Roshni